US Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry Hawaiian Shirt

 US Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry Hawaiian Shirt

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US Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry Hawaiian Shirt

 He is one of the most canny businessmen I know and has shrewd insights into the ebb and flow and undercurrents of the beer market and the peccadilloes of beer drinkers who drive it. He is a marketing man. I always enjoy our conversations because they venture into that aspect of the industry of which I am less knowledgeable than I should be. I learn a lot.

There are a few constants that brewers believe about beer. Beer, we suppose, is recession-proof because people drink beer in good times and in bad ones. In recent times that idea has taken a good shaking, as a result of the pandemic, of course, and the economic downturn, though it has dented some parts of the market more than others.

Also changes in the population are coming home to roost; populations are shrinking in some places and growing in others, as the recent census confirms, and if there is one factor that predicts overall beer sales it is population numbers.

It’s a bit more nuanced than that because the population is also aging; older folk drink less beer, often much less, than younger folk and slow growth of the population affects the younger cohorts first. Therefore, the population of the most prolific beer drinkers is falling faster than the overall population. This is seriously not good news.

Everyone in the young drinker category only knows a beer world in which craft-brewed beers are readily available. However, because drinkers remain in the high beer-drinking cohort for only roughly 15 years, we are now seeing emerge the third generation of drinkers wholly familiar with craft brews and their potential. The expectations of modern young drinkers have changed and continue to evolve.

They are demanding a new and different and exciting experience almost every time they drink and are willing to pay for it. I learned of some bars charging $15 a glass for some beers that have caught their imagination.

Doubtless we shall see an expansion of what we consider to be beers beyond some of the crazy products we know today. Exciting and dangerous times to be a brewer.



US Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry Hawaiian Shirt
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