Best selling: Nothing Else Matters signatures poster

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I really love Amos a lot. And, I think, if I'm not mistaken, most of, if not all, if your supporters do! We are all in this together! Strength in numbers! 💕, Codi Preston D.  As an EC teacher of 22 years, I love moms like you! I love my school babies and treat as my own, cry and laugh with the parents, but am not perfect in anyway and love that I connect with my parents enough for them to “get me,” and that I’m always trying hard for their child and my not always get it right, but do it with love and devotion!
Nice lead into sales Mama. I support you in spirit as I’m whole heartedly supporting 2 other PTAs. I ❤️ the role I play of cheerleader and organizer, working with others to build a strong learning community. It’s just a beautiful thing to witness!
