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Yes I have heard that particular TRUMP LIE above hundreds of times and you Trumpernutties will eventually bear witness to the fact that it is just another LIE in Trump's repertoire of LIES!! Of course the TRUMP CALAMITY and TRUMP DEPRESSION and all Trump’s other TOTAL FAILURES will unfortunately still bear fruit for years to come!!! It will take at least 4 Presidential Terms to clean up all the "BIG FAT MESSES" that President Hoax created and some will not be possible to clean up!!! You Trumpernutties and Trumpernasties really have to face up to the fact that the Trump Train really truly went off the rails and crashed with a Big Fat Thud just as I predicted!!! Yes I know you all prefer DENIAL over the TRUTH as you HATE nothing more thasn the TRUTH! Oh, I REALLY don't think a Trump supporter should be calling ANYONE a snowflake right now. This entire page is one big whine about how Trump shouldn't have lost (you did) starting with the president and how unfair it all is.
No, you need find yourself another insult, one less blatantly a self own. you are a joke and don't know how to read it looks like. keep watching the propaganda news . still trying to figure out who dumber Biden or the one's that voted for him. let's just say dumber and dumber.
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