Deer Bedding Sets

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I say anything about race ? I said the color of his skin . I forgot you’re a democrat you can do that , my bad ! I believe the number is 266 k but then again we know how you people like to inflate votes ..... I mean numbers and Trump makes up words, has an issue talking sometimes, cant stand up straight, has an issue walking down ramps and needs two hands to drink a glass of water. Maybe all Politicians need to have better physicals. Bernard Rickmers I’m glad I’m one of those who could think for myself. I’m also grateful For my grandpa for saying no thanks to Biden when they gave him a ballot in his grave. Jules Lord do you even know the whole story here? Of course you don’t. Do some research before you run your mouth. This whole story was taken out of context and the so called reporter was outed as a fraud and then pretended he didn’t remember what he said. That’s what Trump was making fun of. Lynn Nay, CNN told us? So The Daily Wire, Breitbart, One America News Network... and all the other crappy far right wing media that still support trump - and are thus still liked by him - are OK? What does that say about trump, his followers, you? Wake up!!! The election wasn’t rigged, trump simply lost, and Biden won.  If you think Biden won, receiving more votes than Obama and without more than a little help from his friends, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you in New York!
