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Lucy Creekmore he plays golf every weekend. And you say work. He watches tv for three to four hours before he leave the White House resident. And I’m sure he forgot what the Oval Office looks like. Trump supporters are blind, y’all see what you want to see. Like trump being a good businessman. He was a laughing stock in business circles in New York. He loss hundreds of millions of dollars his father gave him. And it will come out that Putin is holding money over his head. If trump hadn’t been president he couldn’t have got a security clearance. And his daughter and son in law wasn’t cleared, because of foreign debt. Trump cleared them. I just hope other states follow suit, we need to get back to work, besides, the only people that should have to wear a mask are people that are high risk and people that are sick. Mandatory for those individuals, let’s open up the country. D E Z you don’t know what your talking about y’all are miss lead by democrats they are the problem there tearing down America and you going to help them I pray for you The MSM is simply carrying the water for Hi'den Biden, so he can snooze all day. Trump is acting like a 30 year old. Crowds he's drawing are remarkable. That’s funny! He doesn’t have to campaign. The election is thumbs up or thumbs down about Trump! Trumps probably the laziest president ever. Most days he doesn’t come down till after lunch because he’s getting briefed by fox and friends all morning.
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