Buy it now: Vegeta – The Fresh Prince shirt, tank top, hoodie
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This is what turned me libertarian/conservative. I have kids as well like the dumbass commenter that can't seem to be bothered to monitor his kids but unlike him I monitor and talk to my kids about music and lyrics. Powerful people and their tiny little brains are all living the dream. Funny they all are in some way connected to close minded politicians....Cannot survive for long? One of those awful women just ran for President, despite dedicating her entire political career to censorship. Labeling is not just a mixed use it to find the stuff they KNOW their parents don't want them to see. With labeling it doesn't just happen by accident. Those old unintended consequences strike again. I think what stands out is the intellectual styles in testimonies of the "dirty and uneducated" of yesterday's defendants vs today's intellectual elite defendant.
Remember, Tipper Gore and Co with full support from her husband Al Gore, also spearheaded the satanic child sex abuse scare and the ensuing fake memory/ psychological manipulation all debunked with many falsely accused and many non-victims convinced that they were....FUBAR all around. Fascists (under the guise of good intentions for the kiddies), like rust....never sleep. Those stickers were the best thing for the artist, they fought against them but after they started putting them on they were happy about then because they increased their sales dramatically, by the way,, in case they don't say it in the video that group was called the PMRC. Frank Zappa got Alice Cooper his first record deal ..I will always be thankful for that Awesome segment done with facts and mindfulness good questions and good thoughts. Free speech is num 1!
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is what turned me libertarian/conservative. I have kids as well like the dumbass commenter that can't seem to be bothered to monitor his kids but unlike him I monitor and talk to my kids about music and lyrics. Powerful people and their tiny little brains are all living the dream. Funny they all are in some way connected to close minded politicians....Cannot survive for long? One of those awful women just ran for President, despite dedicating her entire political career to censorship. Labeling is not just a mixed use it to find the stuff they KNOW their parents don't want them to see. With labeling it doesn't just happen by accident. Those old unintended consequences strike again. I think what stands out is the intellectual styles in testimonies of the "dirty and uneducated" of yesterday's defendants vs today's intellectual elite defendant.
Remember, Tipper Gore and Co with full support from her husband Al Gore, also spearheaded the satanic child sex abuse scare and the ensuing fake memory/ psychological manipulation all debunked with many falsely accused and many non-victims convinced that they were....FUBAR all around. Fascists (under the guise of good intentions for the kiddies), like rust....never sleep. Those stickers were the best thing for the artist, they fought against them but after they started putting them on they were happy about then because they increased their sales dramatically, by the way,, in case they don't say it in the video that group was called the PMRC. Frank Zappa got Alice Cooper his first record deal ..I will always be thankful for that Awesome segment done with facts and mindfulness good questions and good thoughts. Free speech is num 1!
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