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This article should read by everyone, leftist mask wearing frightened sheep as well. I remember this time vividly. I was 10 and while there was concern it wasn’t anywhere near what one could call panic. We went to school, and when school got out we went to the public pools (very few people had their own pools). There was no hoarding and you had as much toilet paper as you could afford. Men, because most women were not yet widely in the work force, went to work. Stores remained open (except for the Sunday blue laws, remember them?). The description in the article comes pretty close to my parents’ home. Dad served in World War II and saw action that didn’t have him crouched in a fetal position because of a virus. Our pediatrician spoke with my parents and pretty much said to watch for symptoms in both me and my younger brother. He also said to call him if we got sick and he’d be over to check on us (yeah they did house calls back then). We went about life and there weren’t no frigging masks or gloves. And by the way, on Sunday you were by God going to church. When the doctor said the vaccine was ready, Mom and Dad loaded the car and brought you; no questions asked. We didn’t second guess and we certainly didn’t find black helicopters around every corner. For my parents, when Dr. Fleisch said it was time for this or that, they brought us in and we didn’t question every single thing. Why? Because people had integrity back then. That is exactly what should have happened here in 2020.
People were so much tougher back then. Lots of fortitude. Now thanks to Karen and the snowflakes and "everyone gets a medal" we are here. Rise up!!!! Lets end this. "Karen" is that pain in the ass mom who tells everyone what to do and how to live. "Karen's" kids are perfect at everything and she doesn't miss a chance to tell you. "Karen" posts selfies of herself everyday. "Karen" has not disappointed during this pandemic as she is the snitch who rats out businesses and people for not wearing masks, not keeping 6 ft., being in groups and basically anyone having fun because she is a miserable middle aged woman who pretends to have a perfect life. You can look it up in the urban dictionary! Im sorry! I should have added "Does not automatically apply to people named Karen" "There are still some level headed, free thinking Karens out there."
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Home page: Tagotee Store
This article should read by everyone, leftist mask wearing frightened sheep as well. I remember this time vividly. I was 10 and while there was concern it wasn’t anywhere near what one could call panic. We went to school, and when school got out we went to the public pools (very few people had their own pools). There was no hoarding and you had as much toilet paper as you could afford. Men, because most women were not yet widely in the work force, went to work. Stores remained open (except for the Sunday blue laws, remember them?). The description in the article comes pretty close to my parents’ home. Dad served in World War II and saw action that didn’t have him crouched in a fetal position because of a virus. Our pediatrician spoke with my parents and pretty much said to watch for symptoms in both me and my younger brother. He also said to call him if we got sick and he’d be over to check on us (yeah they did house calls back then). We went about life and there weren’t no frigging masks or gloves. And by the way, on Sunday you were by God going to church. When the doctor said the vaccine was ready, Mom and Dad loaded the car and brought you; no questions asked. We didn’t second guess and we certainly didn’t find black helicopters around every corner. For my parents, when Dr. Fleisch said it was time for this or that, they brought us in and we didn’t question every single thing. Why? Because people had integrity back then. That is exactly what should have happened here in 2020.
People were so much tougher back then. Lots of fortitude. Now thanks to Karen and the snowflakes and "everyone gets a medal" we are here. Rise up!!!! Lets end this. "Karen" is that pain in the ass mom who tells everyone what to do and how to live. "Karen's" kids are perfect at everything and she doesn't miss a chance to tell you. "Karen" posts selfies of herself everyday. "Karen" has not disappointed during this pandemic as she is the snitch who rats out businesses and people for not wearing masks, not keeping 6 ft., being in groups and basically anyone having fun because she is a miserable middle aged woman who pretends to have a perfect life. You can look it up in the urban dictionary! Im sorry! I should have added "Does not automatically apply to people named Karen" "There are still some level headed, free thinking Karens out there."
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