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She is very sweet. My two were easy compared to some of what I have read but one did chew up only the handles of my favorite hand-painted tote. Mine were quick learners and repetition is the key. Potty training , I used the word potty all the time and he caught on quick. Get her a chew toy, I list 7 pair of shoes, 3 drivers licenses and 35 dollar, which I got back from the bank. I taught mine if they bark excessively out side they came in and put in time out, which is leash attached to a door knob for 5 minutes. Get all the videos you can of your beagle finding her howl And once she does be prepared to be yelled at when you are telling her no for doing something naughty lol beagles also like to steal the covers. We tried crate sleeping but that didn’t last long. Also, Oreo is a heavy chewer! So we got her an antler and she stopped chewing on our things.
Beagles can be escape artists. We had a chain link fence and our dog, Champ, would climb over it in the corners. We had to strap garbage cans in each corner so she couldn't get out. We should have named her Houdini! Well I have a beagle basset hound she looks identical to a beagle that was her her dad and then her mom was Bassett from what I'm understanding and she's got the body of a bathroom with the Little Chunky body in the little short legs but she is a night owl she likes to party at night once it's like I go to sleep to one dog when I wake up at 3 a.m. to a completely different dog barking and just going crazy they can't send nothing in their yard there are a little territorial which is good and they love just as much probably more than a lot of them very loyal very great dogs just a little noisy sometimes but maybe yours if you it's 9 weeks maybe you can try to teach her that it doesn't get its way all the time my husband hasn't quite learned that he calls mine little Sherry.
She is very sweet. My two were easy compared to some of what I have read but one did chew up only the handles of my favorite hand-painted tote. Mine were quick learners and repetition is the key. Potty training , I used the word potty all the time and he caught on quick. Get her a chew toy, I list 7 pair of shoes, 3 drivers licenses and 35 dollar, which I got back from the bank. I taught mine if they bark excessively out side they came in and put in time out, which is leash attached to a door knob for 5 minutes. Get all the videos you can of your beagle finding her howl And once she does be prepared to be yelled at when you are telling her no for doing something naughty lol beagles also like to steal the covers. We tried crate sleeping but that didn’t last long. Also, Oreo is a heavy chewer! So we got her an antler and she stopped chewing on our things.Beagles can be escape artists. We had a chain link fence and our dog, Champ, would climb over it in the corners. We had to strap garbage cans in each corner so she couldn't get out. We should have named her Houdini! Well I have a beagle basset hound she looks identical to a beagle that was her her dad and then her mom was Bassett from what I'm understanding and she's got the body of a bathroom with the Little Chunky body in the little short legs but she is a night owl she likes to party at night once it's like I go to sleep to one dog when I wake up at 3 a.m. to a completely different dog barking and just going crazy they can't send nothing in their yard there are a little territorial which is good and they love just as much probably more than a lot of them very loyal very great dogs just a little noisy sometimes but maybe yours if you it's 9 weeks maybe you can try to teach her that it doesn't get its way all the time my husband hasn't quite learned that he calls mine little Sherry.
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