Some girls are just born with the mouse ears in their soul Mickey Mouse shirt, tank top, hoodie

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Poor baby, but he will soon conquer all obstacles and show us how he manages to get around by himself this just the start. So absolutely adorable and precious! So glad that he can walk. Hope he keeps on making progress. I am sorry forgot loss. I believe our pets go to heaven. Are you a Christian. Dear heart I know your pain. Gods peace I pray. If it's anything like the condition Blanche (a puppy that Villalobos Rescue center rescued) putting him in casts might help straighten his legs. Blanche was very bowlegged as well just like this pup they put her in bulky casts and her legs began to grow normally. Just a thought. Aw the poor little guy,,he looks so proud of himself. Keep up the good work, little one. Have had several disabled pets. They make great companions and appreciate the extra help. my youngest cat came to us with bowed legs about that bad. turned out he was just malnourished and after the first year you cant even tell. My dog was born with crippled back legs. With months of tears, persistents, exercising, Molly can run with the same speed and agility as the best . She is happy. Which makes me happy.

What a great heart. God's creation is awesome. What a wonderful God to make such precious creations. God's creation is precious. . With man's disobedience came sin and the wages of sin is death. Very simple. The devil came to steal, kill and destroy. God sent His Son YASHUA ( Jesus) to destroy the work of the devil. YASHUA died on the cross, taking our sin on Him to the cross. He rose again. If we repent, turn from our ways to follow Him. We shall be forgiven and have eternal life with God. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has prepared for those who love Him. My little one was born with a deformed back and 3 legs. It took me several months and lots of vitamin to get him walking. I would name him Barnacle "Bill" and take him sailing out on the bay and all the lobstahmen would pass us headin in for the day and they would all shout "Bill! Hey BILL!!" whilst there seagull enshrouded vessels pass Turtlehead on their way to the reach. Another fine day. Finest kind.

Caesar Milan please help this dog before he gets hurt in his travels. He was abandoned and has been running for over 6 years. Please help Bill Russell, get him to have a home and stop running.
