Merica Fuck Yeah shirt

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Nah, actually I’m a trump supporter and I think the confederate flag is the dumbest thing on earth. If you’re from Michigan and I see this on your truck, I’m going to make fun of you. Also, if you have the confederate flag and the American flag flying, I’m going to make fun of you. Confederates were a bunch of losers and because they sucked at fighting wars, it’s the reason we have the American flag today! I’m very excited to hear your reasoning. I know history pretty well. Hurry up and get home because I’m excited. How about make it easy and explain why you support trump? Isn't that what the civilized folk are supposed to do? Explain what you're for and why, instead of shaming and threats? Ok you go! Nobody, just as an example of how most social media discourse happens around politics and such. No worries. go! Do you have a 401k or invest at all? That’s why I like trump. I’m a military man, he made our pay higher and better benefits. I’ve been please with that alone. you are definitely not a student of history.confederates had great generals considering they turned a 2 week war into 4 years.

Great generals don’t quit when your men are starving and outnumbered you will concede.dont forget that lincoln asked lee to lead the union at the start but he couldn't go against virginia. listen, as a leader in the army, I would never quit. Quitters aren’t great leaders. The fact you’re trying to stick up for the confederacy with little to no experience in military leadership is hilarious! i concur,but man a flag that was introduced then shot down became a battle flag so to speak the some clowns got ahold of it mean. I saw your picture. I don’t think it really matters what petty liked.. lol if that’s the only response you’re gonna give me you lost me.
