Would never tease but would be fascinated by her. Just like on recent trips, Chinese and Indian people were fascinated by my blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin. It was all good!
Right? The autistic in me wouldn't be able to help but stare, but because she is mesmerizingly beautiful! Your color is very nice dark but not patches smooth not all dark colored skin are perfect even the asians who got brown skins we have some that you think alwAys got suntanned. You go girl at least u didn't allow your haters to get the best of u and not having low self esteem about yourself that's a blessing. I know who you servicing and believe in to go forward. Absolutely unique! I agree with the blue undertones, makes her skin beautiful. Ive seen some pretty dark Africans, but they've been a deep chocolate color vs an actual black color. Rock your beauty! Everyone has beauty and hers is her deep rich skin color. I LOVE IT! I hated my freckles when I was a kid and now. I LOVE THEM! Embrace it and rock it.
You know I think half the reason I hated my freckles was my uncles used to tease me and tell me that I sat to close to the cows backside... implying my freckles looked like poop. I realize as an adult they were full of poop.
As a ginger with many freckles, I found that in the Middle East, they thought that I was pretty and special ! Made up for all of the school bullying and name calling. She is one of the most beautiful people that I have ever seen, her unique look is astounding! God creates only beautiful things and man tries to make them ugly.
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