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They are both great looking, but I like Kate-William better. More loyal to the Queen and less worldly. Class and elegance are traits...fashion wise Meaghan rocks it! Kate had style but now I believe she is told what to wear. Kate looks like she broke into a hutterites closet. They are both great women, but Meaghan obviously gave a big F#%# you to the Royal 👑 rules. That I admire!! Nancy Rousseau not in these two picture. Meghan looks a bit frumpy but kates dress is lovely. Think they can both wear things that make them look great. Don't see why it has to be a competition. It will be interesting to see how it works out for Meghan and Harry. I'm expecting it won't be such a happy ending for them
Just look at Harry's body language!! He's looking away and not happy and only been married a couple of years. Love is love and William and Kate have it in bucket loads. Totally disagree Kate and william (the better looking and more intelligent brother)have got a charismatic air and charm whilst the other two in your face look at me and cheesy smiles (this is not Hollywood )after all. .. You ppl are sick yes Meghan act for a living. Stop blaming her Harry always had a flashy demeanor about himself before he met Meghan. Plus Harry will never be king anyway what he’s 4th in line. So let them live their life and you’ll get a life.
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