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Everyone was taught and believes differently. If that was my child yes I would love my child but would not encourage that behavior. When my child is grown out of my home they can do what they please but under my roof and especially at that young age I wouldn’t be taking my child to gay parades, I wouldn’t be buying female clothes for him, nor putting nails on him, I wouldn’t change his name to know female name either. People use the excuse about kid committing suicide over it ok kids commit suicide bc they are getting bullied and teased you don’t think he won’t? Kids who commit suicide are not always being taught that suicide is not the answer and the effects to others behind the act. People who live that lifestyle have been killed behind that which is not right but the truth. I know my Christian duty for me is to raise my child the way Christ wants me to so that when my child is grown they can make the decision they want to and know that I did all that I could do. At the end of the day I will love my child but I choose not to accept or support that lifestyle if they choose that route. To me some of these celebrities try to be their child’s friends or what is acceptable in the public eye. But that’s just my thoughts.
The bible says its abomination to be this way but people say well this day in time things change yes it did but the bible did not God loves us all the Bible says everything you touch when you are on your period is unclean. Ok God.
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