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This is just salt in the wound. We were sent a wonderful letter this year reminding (reprimanding) us to be mindful of our health costs because it’s the tax payers footing the bill. Also, on the bottom of our card it reminds us as well. I pay taxes and I also make over $10,000 less than other college graduates with the same level of education as I have. I’m sick and tired of the GOP saying teachers have it so good. They have come after our pay, our retirement, and our healthcare and it’s all our fault 🙄. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
By the way, where is Johnson in all of this? Oh, that’s right... he’s their lap dog.
I see what he is doing here...wanting us teachers to “shop around” and drive well out of the way to go to a doctor, all while having to take MORE time off which equals even LESS in our already small paycheck. Dear god don’t get me started on this man. I have unfortunately known him since I was a child through church. It doesn’t get any worse than him
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