Best selling: Respect to Nurses Queen shirt, hoodie, tank top

Respect to Nurses Queen hoodie
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Saddly this a movement only a handful can comprehend. Most people like being plugged into the system  Religion much like patriotism are a scourge for the weak minded fools. Precursor to RBE is arguably lastcap style. Scroll through the posts on lastcap space. I know this is a passionate topic, but

I would ask that all members of this group please remain respectful with one another.
Wait noma man delete ha kay copya anay yo itcha tamen you na miyo diary ay bien bale man gayod el storya se un hamor  I think Ding I need more powerful people (like you) to help me. Di vah! Nah Ding bien hondo man gyot el hugot..  you know na Ding. It got into my nerves ya!
