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Thank you for the wonderful memory. We were in Bruges for three days last August. Loved every minute of it. Drank the Zot, saw the Madonna, walked the canals and took a drastically overcrowded boat ride. Had to cancel a trip to Ireland this year. Missing our travels. My son was supposed to study in Belgium this summer and I had plans to visit him while he was there. I had purchased the Rick Steves Belguim book and just finished the chapter on Bruges before the world fell apart with the coronavirus. Sigh. I truly hope to visit there one day. Stay healthy everyone.
I loved Bruges. Went there many years ago when my daughter studied abroad. Used all your recommendations. Fabulous time! Bruges is a highlight city. On a tri-lingual tour of the brewery another tourist and I met. At the end he invited my wife and I to join him in the garden with our beers. He was an appraiser of pubs in southern England. I retorted that with that experience he had too come to Portland, Oregon as we had more breweries than any other town in the USA. It developed a friendship. We have visited he and his wife twice in England and he came to Portland which included a 3 week tour including Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Great memories of Bruges and friendships made.
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