Best selling: Nurse Pink Volkswagen Beetle VW Bugs phone case

Nurse Pink Volkswagen Beetle VW Bugs phone case 11
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I know defenders of animal rights who cry over a killed cat and hour later go slaughter snails and bugs in their garden... should we call them "racists"? or "specie-ists"? This is not a good argument. "Rights" are a social construct. What matters is if creatures feel suffering. If they do, it is wrong to needlessly inflict this upon them. Bugs feel several (and I mean several) orders of magnitude less pain than mammals.
So because you actually step on bugs sometimes, that means humans can kill sixty billion animals and many more fish? How does this logic not apply to humans? Also, I also think we should reduce our impact on insects as well, even if just for preserving ecological systems. The best way to save bugs immediately is to stop eating meat, because all the extra crops we have to produce to inefficiently feed livestock results in massive death of insects and often deforestation.
