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Hair stylist 2020 Quarantined shirt, hoodie, tank top
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Give credit where credit is due, in my opinion Scomo is handling this crisis well, yes a couple of hiccups... Always easy to condemn from an armchair.....A bit too late I fear..
It’s nearly all those returning from overseas the backpackers and the boat people that seem to be the carriers.. I reckon the decision makers are doing the best they can right now. There is no playbook to follow here. Having been exposed to policy on the fly over the last week, it’s incredibly hard, everyone has got an opinion but they aren’t accountable for the resourcing and administration of it- let alone funding. go too early and it’s a disorganised shambles- wait to have a level of preparation and it’s too late. It’s easy to sit at home and judge- but it’s really hard to have a seat at that table making decisions. Let’s support each other instead of tearing each other apart.
