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We are also caught in this dilemma. We grew up in the public school system and thought our kids could do it too. However, my husband grew up in NJ and I in NC. We feel for the teachers and wish we could help. What can we do?
This post is very sad and thank you for sharing candidly the problem. I came to the US 30 years ago as an exchange student, went to public school and loved it, the education was so full of opportunities then. Today we live here but to get my children the same opportunity in a safe environment we had to go private... also for the support with learning disabilities.
I don’t think children can develop in an environment that is not safe and where adults are not in control... unfortunately that seems to describe the middle school environment these days...
the sad and scary part of this is not our moral choice it’s the question of what kind of a society is in the works...
