Best selling: Hiking Girl And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul poster

Hiking Girl And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul poster 3

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 I'd go MAD at a family that didn't want him back after going missing for ONLY 3 DAYS! They replaced him already, which is awful. Not natural pet owners imho, kind of makes me wonder if that's why he went awol. Glad the kitty is now with someone who will love him and give him lots of attention.
Thank you for rescuing the kitten. I truly think everybody is too critical of the family. This kitten is where he should be, he was rescued by this guy for a reason. It was meant to be, its a blessing!!  Wow. That worked out great. That kitten loved him. Sad the family within days got the daughter a new kitten and didn’t want him back 😔 but he’s better off with his new dad for sure.
